StrassenKunzt Edition :
Hinz&Kunzt initiates art project

In August 2012 Hinz&Kunzt presented their StrassenKunzt Edition for the first time. Twice a year Hamburg’s street magazine will offer the works of Street Art artists in a limited edition for sale.

The first object is created by DAIM, who internationally has earned a reputation as a graffiti writing artist. He lives and works in Hamburg. „I have been starting to spray my pictures on the streets more than twenty years ago. Step by step I conquered the ‚internal space’. Now I am very happy to help those people who are forced to live on the street.’“

In December 2012 our second print release is published with a work of British artist BOXI, who has lived and worked in Berlin since 2000. „If it wasn’t for Berlins streets, I wouldn’t have interacted with its walls. Grey areas of uncontrolled city space once lived and breathed and are now being rapidly gathered in and tamed. Art on the streets in any way or form is exciting and I am thrilled to be a part of this collaboration with Hinz&Kunzt!“

The well known art collector Rik Reinking from Hamburg chooses the selection of artists. He has been dealing with street art for years. Street Art first stormed the streets and has now reached the galleries and museums. The proceeds of the edition’s sale go 50 percent to the artists and 50 percent to Hinz&Kunzt.

„Hinz&Kunzt and Street Art have a common ground: Both are mobile on the streets“ claims Jens Ade, CEO of Hinz&Kunzt. „With this edition we want to offer the art lovers the opportunity to buy an original piece of art and support the project at the same time.“

You can purchase the DAIM and BOXI editions online at or directly in the office of Hinz&Kunzt in Hamburg at Altstädter Twiete 1-5 during our office-times (

Gabriele Koch, Hinz&Kunzt,

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Reinking Projekte 



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